Friday, June 13, 2008

Your Water Your Say faces court costs

Your Water Your Say have had costs awarded against them after their Federal Court case. The group stated prior to the hearing that if costs were awarded "it is likely that the community action group YWYS will be wound up. This will leave the local community without an official organization to voice their concerns and opposition to the desalination project." As YWYS President Andrea Bolch puts it, "This action should send a shiver down the spine of every community group who dares to question a Governments decision."

People opposed to the desalination plant are encouraged to take action. You can:

  • Come to the Climate Emergency Rally!
  • Show your support at the community assembly (see picture for details). There will be a BBQ at 3pm every second Sunday from June 15 (BYO food)
  • Write emails/letters to the media and to your local Member of Parliament.
  • Phone the radio programs in Melbourne and Regionally to show your support for the
Tell them clearly how outrageous it is that State and Federal Governments believe it is fair and equitable to bankrupt community groups that dare to challenge their decisions. Tell them it is a misuse of their power that they endeavour to shut down debate and silence a community that will not accept having an environmentally destructive project the size of the MCG dumped on them without consultation.


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