Protest over proposed developments that will massively clog the roads around Flemington, West Parkville, Nth Melbourne, Ascot Vale and Kensington.
May 25, 1pm, Debney Park, Mt Alexander Rd, Flemington
A. The East-West Tunnel will have a major interchange at Flemington and Racecourse Rds, a West Parkville Flyover and staging point for construction, take part of Royal Park, and consume part of Holland Park in Kensington also as a staging point for the construction. Vent stacks to be situated along the route of the tunnel.
B. The Travancore 22 Story Office Apartment development and 1000 vehicle carpark will cause even greater traffic congestion in and around the southern part of Mt Alexander Rd and also consume 2000 sq meters of Debney Park.
Taken together with the failure to make major improvements in public transport they will lead to an urban nightmare for the residents of 5 Melbourne suburbs.
- Say no to John Brumby and the big end of town's urban nightmare
and PPPs
- Oppose more loss of public parklands
- Demand real solutions to our traffic and public transport problems
- Real Action on Global Warming
Rod Quantock to compere.
Main organizing groups: Mt Alexander Rd Campaign Group and Royal Park Protection Group Inc.
For further information contact Gab Pretto, 93763060
Mobilise as if our lives depend on it
5 days ago
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